Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Changes Could You Make Today, to Help You Feel More at Ease?

I know, it's late, what am I doing up? Is 11 really that late, or am I just some old lady now? Who knows. Just a quick note here, I was poring over Amanda's blog RuntotheFinish, and she has this challenge that I think we all need to think about doing. If not on her blog, at least jot these things down for your own sake:

THREE things that you can change TODAY and implement for the next 30 days. Sometimes we all need to make slight changes to create an air of positivity...it can be that easy.

But skip over to her blog and check it out homies. Maybe all the help YOU need is to just stop hitting the snooze button every morning, eh?

Annnnnd I'm hittin' the hayyyy.


  1. Three for thirty, huh? Ok - here goes.

    1) No happy hour...which is tough when you live at the beach. But ok, I'm game.

    2) More stretching. Now that my running routine is well, more routine, I need to up my stretching. More yoga. Ok, done.

    3) No more potty mouth. I hate to say it..it's my greatest weakness. I have awful potty mouth. And now that my toddler is starting to repeat..a drastic change in my vocabulary is required.

    Here we go! Thanks for the follow! Would love to tap in to your expertise from time to time if you're up for it!

    PS Left you some love on my blog...be sure to check it out!

    Dallas - OBX Running Mama

  2. Umm yeah I fall asleep at like 9:30 and I have no kids! Running makes you tired!

    On the knee, are you doing any strenghtening exercises? Once I just added in some leg lifts I saw my ITB issues which cause knee pain really go away

  3. sooooo needed this post today.

    Need to de-stress
    realize I can't change some things
    listen more.

    Thanks for the post.

  4. like amanda - I'm not a mom either and i think 11 is wicked late...but then again..i have finally deduced that i was born as an 80 year old woman...its a fact.


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