Monday, July 6, 2009

Another Monday - And Still Pregnant

I may lose it soon! All around me, every one I knew who WAS pregnant and due right before or after me, has had their babies! Like, ALL of them! I am the only one left, just carrying this baby around like I'll be pregnant for the rest of my life! Needless to say, it is aggravating. I know they all come out eventually, but still. My friend just informed me that her sister had her twins on July 4th, and her co-worker who was due a day before me had hers on July 4th, too. AGH! I am just slightly uncomfortable and ready to be rid of a few extra pounds so I can actually move around like a normal human being. Plus Mike is getting overly anxious, and when things aren't planned out, well, he doesn't do so well. That's an engineer for ya. The fact that he doesn't have a date and time for when this baby is coming is killing him. Haha, he'll just have to suck it up! I have to dig myself out of this mini rut this morning and just distract myself. Have some errands to run and then will probably go to the gym for an elliptical session and some lounging at the pool. Yesterday we were at the pool for a swim, and on my way out the manager was like, "Oh man, I hadn't seen you for a few days, thought you'd had that baby!" and some random dude walking out goes, "Yeah, I thought you were going to have that thing in the pool." Ha. Ha. I must look like I'm ready to pop. Here's a pic so you can see that I look like I'm hiding a beach ball - 39 weeks.
Totally time to get going here, before I'm too lazy and tired to do much else. Waiting sucks!


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