Wednesday, August 26, 2009

6 week checkup

I had my 6 week appt today...can't believe Logan is 6 weeks old. I feel like it was just a week ago! I am a tired lady today, and haven't been able to catch up on sleep with a nap. On the to do list tomorrow: nap. He's being a good boy today...slept the whole time I did some errands with MIL..blah blah. Anyway. I DO have to make sure I pick up my prescription for the mini-pill tomorrow and start it right away. Lord knows I don't want another baby just yet. My body is so out of wack I couldn't imagine getting pregnant. Yuck. So anyway, not much to say today.

Maybe I'll be more awake tomorrow.


  1. wow i cant believe its been 6 weeks either! Def dont forget to pick up your pill!


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