Thursday, May 27, 2010

Patellofemoral Pain Fixed by Yoga

Happy Thursday all. Tomorrow is the last day of school for Albuquerque, which means my last day of work! Actually, I may not even be needed as it is a half day and most teachers don't need a sub. Sooo it's summer time! We go on our cruise in ONE week. I CANNOT wait.

I just finished uo some Yoga X (yeah, didn't do the whole 90 minutes). It is HARD man?! I mean, seriously. If you had been a fly on the wall you would have thought I was completely incapable. Tumbling and jerking and falling on my head. But to be positive here, I am noticing marked improvement in my flexibility, balance and strength. So, one day, when I do master this 90 minute Yoga X vid, I'll show you all some stellar moves. But for now I'll just do it in the privacy of my home where I can't embarass myself. For any one who does not practice yoga, I am telling you to incorporate it into your routine. Try 20 minutes, 3 days a week. I promise that you will reap the benefits. The reason that I am committing to it is for various reasons, one being my unavoidable knee pain. I know that it stems from muscle imbalances, so strenghtening and for me, the strectching aspect, is key to relieving the pain. From skiing I know that my quads and hamstrings are all messed up regarding % of strength, and that my hamstrings are far too tight. I'm hoping that with regular yoga I will work out these kinks and see the knee pain start to diminish. I have also been doing some exercises to strengthen my entire quad muscle. Tight hamstrings and hip flexors are also a major cause, so the yoga helps drastically with this. Any one else have Patellofemoral Pain (runner's knee)? It CAN be fixed. A great resource is right here.

So, now that I am done being a yogi, I'm meeting the hubs to swim a bit. First must feed that child o' mine, though...and it will probably be hot dogs again (this is all he will eat as of right now. gross).


  1. ...thanks for the links and good post!!

    Cheers from Hong Kong!

    "XTB" Xavi.

  2. I love yoga! I go to a class at my gym once a week and I love it! I wish I could do it more often, but it's hard to find time with tri training!

  3. This is a wicked blog page! Well done.


  4. that's great that you've found some things to help relieve the pain! So important!

    Hope you're having a great memorial day weekend!


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