Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Here to chat about my latest track workout...but off for vaca tomorrow!

Greetings fellow runners, mothers, friends, and workout extraordinaires. How've you all been? Sorry I've been MIA a tad this week, but super busy with But I won't bore you with all that. No one cares that I take the trash out on Tuesdays and that my sitter for work next week is bailing on me, right? Of course not! So onward to better conversation.

Last night I was at track practice, as usual. I think I have only missed one of them, which is great because otherwise I wouldn't do speedwork. Coach had us doing some "longer" speedwork. 2 800s, 2 1200s, 2 800s. Mile warm up and cool down. We were supposed to run them at about 10k pace, with the 1200s being a few seconds slower if need be. I don't know what was up with me, but I felt AWESOME! Times were as follows:

800 - 3:43
800 - 3:41
1200 - 5:41
1200 - 5:38
800 - 3:45
800 - 3:41

Then he had us do a 400, for "fun". I managed a 1:29. After the entire workout my legs were bricks for the first 100 of that, but I felt solid and strong the whole time. LOVE love love those workouts where it seems like you could go forever and ever. Not that I wanted to keep doing 800s over and over, but I could have. SUPER pumped and I feel as if I'm getting faster.

Also...I have this burning desire to do a marathon. Have never done a full. I was training for one when I found out I was preggo and stopped. Having that itch again, though. Hmmmm...


We're leaving for SOMEWHERE tomorrow morning. It's the husband's company meeting/vaca...and they have yet to tell us. Like it's supposed to be fun that we will be driving 7-12 hrs without knowing where we're going? Some people think we are going...see pic below. Yep. Moab, Utah! How cool would that be! ANNNDD if that is so, we have a new Kelty hiking backpack to throw the kiddo in. We got it from a friend, who threw in two pairs of kid's hiking boots for when he's like, four. How freaking cute are they?

Alright, must pack and prepare. Check you all later.


  1. awesome 800's. I'm so impressed. I'd rather run 20 miles than do 800's - weird, I know.

    Have a blast!!

  2. Have fun on vacation! I hope it's an awesome location.

    I've not done a marathon yet. I trained for one long ago but was stopped in my tracks by IT band pain with about a month and a half to go. I'm starting to feel the itch again. I've got to get through one more half without ITband problems and I'm going for it!

  3. Way to rock the track workout!!! Have a great vacation!

  4. wow...nice track workout!! speedster.

    have fun on the mystery trip. it would drive me insane to not know where i was headed!

  5. Wow..mystery vacation!!! That sounds sweet. Have fun.


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